Welcome to the atomico club

When we look up at the starry night, we are filled with curiosity. The same curiosity that drives our little Space explorer - ATOMICO®.

Sure...we would love to know all of the answers. Even if some pieces of the equation are forever out of reach, we aren't afraid to not know. The important thing is to be curious and ask questions. To that end, we'll be engaging with a wide range of experts, we'll follow the latest developments and certainly we'll be learning from our followers - ATOMICANs.

Our end goal?

We want to make learning about Space not just accessible to all but it should be fun.

We have built a robust Club for all of our ATOMICANs to engage. Unlock the mysteries of the heavens, earn rewards and move through the ranks of Space Command.



Reward levels

Participate in online events

Reward Levels

Product purchase

Reward Levels

sharing on social

reward levels